Dr. Nikolas Dovrolis is a bioinformatician with 17 years of work experience in the industry and academia.

His PhD was on “Computational analysis of the interactions between the microbiome and mucosal immunological responses as targets for new therapies” and his postdoctoral research is focused on “The contribution of bioinformatics in elucidating the role of the human microbiome during viral infections”.

He has held the position of associate researcher in 7 EU funded & co-funded research projects including his current at the Individualised Medicine & Pharmacological Research Solutions Center (IMPReS).

He is listed as an author of more than 30 manuscripts in peer-reviewed international journals and has authored 3 book chapters while also contributing as a reviewer in over 15 scientific journals.

Member of the “Greek Group for the study of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases” – EOMIFNE (part of the European Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation – ECCO), the International Society of Computational Biology (ISCB) and its Greek branch the Hellenic Bioinformatics (Hbioinfo).

His research interests include Bioinformatics, intestinal microbiome, inflammatory bowel diseases, fibrosis and inflammation, viral infections, cardiovascular disorders, neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental disorders, Transcriptomics (bulk and single cell), Metagenomics and Drug repositioning.

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