Call for Speakers

This call focuses on talks given by international experts that discuss Pharmaceutical Medicine & Science recent developments from a forward-thinking perspective. We invite you to submit an abstract for an ICPM2022 talk covering a topic including (but not limited to):

  • Lessons learned from COVID-19 crisis and approaches to sustainably ensure the Collaborative Biomedical of R&D in future.
  • Reflections on recent developments in Open Science & Artificial Intelligence Horizon.
  • Innovative and novel HTA models for emerging challenges with advanced cell &gene therapies, modern medical devices and digital health.
  • Best practices to exploit the potential of Open Science for Public Interest such as participation and information literacy.



Please submit your application as .pdf including an outline of your talk and the benefit for the conference (not more than 500 words) as well as title, CV (including talks as invited speaker), affiliation, and contact details. 

  • Please note that a submission of a talk with more than one speaker is not possible.
  • All submissions will be reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee. Authors of accepted applications will be invited to give an on-line talk at the conference. Talks can be pre-recorded, but speakers are expected to be available for questions. The application and talk must be in English.
  • Please send your application as .pdf document at the Conference Secretariat,
  • Due date for submissions: June 10th, 2022

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